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How I wish I looked first thing in the morning...

How I wish I looked first thing in the morning…

I have been so tired lately, and my sleeping schedule has not been good. I’ve been staying up as late as my body will allow me to then getting up in the morning to go job hunting for most of the day.

So, I was really excited last night when I started getting sleepy and noticed the time. It was nearly 10 P.M. TRANSLATION: I have been sitting up on the couch attempting to work on the computer, as I nod off for a few seconds then try to wake myself back up. This has been going on for the last hour. Work is not getting done. What the hell is that? I typed something about a penguin? END.

When am I going to learn my lesson about trying to write when I am SO tried? I am someone who sleeps like a log, snores like a freight train, talks in her sleep, and sleepwalks in the night to use the bathroom. So, you can only imagine the things I am still writing about, even after I nod off to sleep while I am typing. My fingers are still moving.

I decided to take advantage of this rare opportunity and just went to bed, before I could catch a second wind. Yay me! I’m going to be able to get a good 8 hours of sleep!

Oh my goodness, I even turned off the television before I went to bed, which I RARELY do.

How I REALLY look when I wake up...

How I REALLY look when I wake up…

And now, it’s 2:45 a.m., and I am awake. Maybe I should work on a quick gratitude list since I can’t sleep (so much for 8 hours…grr). Lately, I’ve been feeling really negative and overwhelmed with life, in general. It has been causing a sense of negativity in my life. I need to start reaching toward more positive thoughts and thinking. I won’t go into great detail and will keep this general and fairly brief.

  1. The #1 position definitely has to go to God, because without Him, nothing worthwhile is possible. 
  2. I am grateful for my kids, because without them, life would definitely be peaceful and boring.
  3. Oh, my house, for sure. No house payment + no rent = no evictions.
  4. I am grateful for my friends, and while their is only a small amount of them that are actually in the close circles of my life, some newer friends from Facebook have also found their way into my heart.
  5. I am grateful that I have the physical ability to do for myself.
  6. I am grateful for a variety of work experiences that does make me a bit more marketable.
  7. My dogs, especially. They are the only ones waiting inside the door, happy to see me. They are the only ones who are always by my side. They never tell me to shut up. They don’t roll their eyes at me. They have complete and total love for my kids and me.
  8. I am grateful to have a big back yard that offers some privacy. I want to get back to gardening this summer (and illegal bonfires).
  9. MUSIC – I am definitely grateful for that. Music makes everything better.
  10. I am grateful for the life experiences, even the negative ones, that teach me and builds me into a stronger individual.

With that being said, I have a TON of stuff to do today, so I am going to try to go back to sleep for an hour or two. Before I nod off and start drooling on my computer. Lots of job hunting…stay tuned for the craziness I have experienced in that department. I’m still laughing about some of it…

We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets. ~Marilyn Monroe~